Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pinterest on Hobo Bags

Hi guys, I'm back again! This time to talk about Hobo Bags. Now, for those of you that don't know, the hobo bag is "a style of handbag or purse that is typically large and characterized by a crescent shape, a slouchy posture and a long strap designed to wear over the shoulder. Hobo bags are made out of soft, flexible materials and tend to slump, or slouch, when set down.."

hobo bags-1872-beige - hobo bags - Handbags  hobo bags-1852-pink - hobo bags - Handbagshobo bags-1854-beige - hobo bags - Handbags

Now, those above are just the labeled ones. Specifically, Coach. Personally, I like Coach. Their bags are durable, and their stylish . Even if you have dirt on them they don't look dirty and really that's just the icing on the cake for me. Now, hobo bags originated from hobo's themselves. They're styled to look as if they've come straight off the stick that hobo's would tie their fabric to and put their belongings in. I've provided a link to "the original" hobo bag below. 

Thanks to for all the pictures and to Hobo: The Original for providing us with beautiful bags as inspiration to make our own ! (

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pinterest On Sweater Skirts & Boots

Hi guys, so today I'm going to report what Pinterest has to say about sweater skirts. Or, more like pin about, the details don't matter! Anyway, some of them are below. But first, I have to define what a sweater skirts is: a sweater skirt is any skirt at any length that has been cut from or made to look like a sweater. I know, it's kind of like a 'duh' moment but for some of us (including me) I had no idea what they were. I love the colors and fabrics that they use to make these out of and since it's fall, these seem like the optimal skirts to wear. Not only are they cute, comfy and stylish but they're WARM. And, let's face it, who wouldn't want to wear something that meets the climate and you're fashion taste? It's to die for! Not literally, because then you'd never be able to wear it... but you get what I mean !

Sweater skirts!  sweater skirtsGirls Fair Isle Sweater Skirts | Old Navy

I absolutely love the first one, and I wish I had her boots. Which brings me to another topic: boots. Yes, everyone wears them , most of us look good in them but only 25% of us actually incorporate them into our fashion wardrobe. Sad, and that statistic? Totally opinionated and not to be quoted !

boots boots boots boots  boots boots boots boots!  amazing ankle boots

So yes, that's all I have to say for right now. I must go and get other things done like...napping. Haha, thanks to all of my readers and, as always, happy blogging !

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pinterest On Fashion

The popular website called Pinterest, a wesite that, much like Tumblr, allows you to post or 'pin' pictures to a virtual board has been booming this week with pictures of sweet floral patterns and pretty polka dots !

So cute     printed dress on a blue Vespa1950s
                                                                Grand Traveler | Vera Bradley    so cute for weekend trips! big enough but not too big!

Since we're in the new fall year designers like Chanel and Louis Vuitton are releasing their new Fall Collections for 2012. Louis Vuitton's Paris Fall 20122/ Winter 2012 Collection can be viewed below!

Thanks for watching and as always, happy blogging !

All pictures provided by
Video from